China Contemporary Animation Art ArchiveIssuing time:2021-07-16 00:51 China Contemporary Animation Art Archive is the first academic institution specializing in contemporary and experimental animation in China, which focuses on the resources integration of contemporary animation art. The Archive was initiated by artist Liu Jian at the end of 2016, and was established in Nanjing University of the Arts. Its work includes holding animation art activities at home and abroad to show the newest look of contemporary animation art; displaying famous domestic and overseas artist archives all the year round---the Archive has received dozens of artist’s donation of works and collections and compiled art files(works and literature included); offering courses on animation aiming at animation lovers of different levels; holding a range of professional lectures, seminars and screenings for creators in this field and professionals in colleges; The Archive offers creators in this field and professionals in colleges: Artist workshop、residency program、popularization plan for young artists and other animation program. Purpose: Based on native culture, to discover、participate in、share and collect contemporary animation---to promote international communication, show the status and importance of Chinese contemporary animation---to act as a bridge for the communication between contemporary animation and the public---to emphasize on the technicality and education of animation art. Hold interesting animation workshops for teenagers to promote animation art to the general public. Direction: “Platform,technicality,education,participation’’ are the striving direction for the archive. Cooperate with other professional artistic institutions and exhibition to establish high-standard animation display platform; Cooperate and communicate with art academies through academic projects to improve the technicality of animation art; Participate in the assessment of annual academic awards on animation to promote the sound development of image art; Publish professional animation books and hold a range of academic activities to establish professional academic base of animation; Hold interesting animation workshops for teenagers to promote animation art to the general public. Receive the application of domestic experts in academic circles for coming to the archive to consult and do researches; Invite relevant experts coming to the archive to have academic exchanges or lectures; The archive collects artists’ works of image arts, literature and manuscripts all year round; The archive is set up in the School of Media, Nanjing Art University Members of the academic board (No particular order): Dong Bingfeng 、Li Zhenhua、 Zhang Chengzhi、 Cao Kai、 Li Feng、Lu Ziying、Yang Cheng、Gerben Schermer(Holland) Members of the organization Curator: Wangfang Art director: Liu Jian Executive director: Xue Feng Operation director: Yu Qing Brand consultant: Wen Xia Introduction of the academic board: (No particular order)
Dong Bingfeng Curator Researcher of School of Inter-media Art, China Academy of Art curator in Guangdong Museum of Art and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art Deputy Director of Iberia Center for Contemporary Art Art Director of Li Xianting’s Film Fund Academic Director of OCAT Institute Qualifications: Dong Bingfeng is a curator and producer based in Beijing. He is a research fellow in School of Inter-media Art, China Academy of Art. Since 2005, Dong Bingfeng has worked as curator in Guangdong Museum of Art and Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Deputy Director of Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Art Director of Li Xianting’s Film Fund, and Academic Director of OCAT Institute. From 2008 to 2012, he was editor-in-chief of Art & Investment, Contemporary Art& Investment, ARTINCHINA and The Independent Critic. Research areas: Chinese contemporary art, independent film, image art, exhibition history and contemporary critical theories. Exhibitons: “The 1st Unrestricted New Image Festival” (2001), “The 1st Northern Independent Image Exhibition” (2002), “Ran: Chinese New Art” (2006), “From Polar Region to Tie Xi Qu: Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Northeast China 1985-2006” (2006), “Traffic-Art Highway” (2009), “Work in Progress: How do Artists Work” (2009), “Looking through Film:Traces of Cinema and Self-Constructs in Contemporary Art” (2010), “China Independent Film Festival” (2010), “Museum on Paper: Twelve Chinese Artists” (2011), “A Re-reading of Das Kapital” (2012), “60 minute Cinema” (2012/2013), “Chinese Independent Animation Forum” (2011/2013), “Beijing Independent Film Festival” (2013), “Visions and Beyond: Second Shenzhen Independent Animation Biennale” (2014), “Bio-Archiving: Underground Music in Shenyang, 1995-2002” (2016), “Screen Test: Chinese Video Art since 1980s” Published works: In 2000, China Independent New Images ,Shenyang In 2002 , Contemporary Northern Independent Image Art Exhibition, Loft Media Art Center, Beijing, Sociological Image, the School of Fine Art, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Bridge—Changchun Contemporary Arts Annual Invitational Exhibition, Far East Gallery, Changchun visual sense ,visual image, visual field, Shandong University of Art&Design, Jinan The 1st Israel Image Biennale, Tel Aviv, Israel In 2003, the 14th Brazilian Electronic Arts Festivals, Sao Paulo, Brazil In 2005, scratch—puzzle, Images of Shenyang, Beijing New Generation Art Plan Free Movie: future archeology, the 2nd Chinese Contemporary Art Triennial, Nanjing Museum, Nanjing Lianzhou Annual International Exhibition of Photography, Lianzhou, Guangdong BEYOND: an extraordinary space of experimentation for modernization—The Second Guangzhou Triennial, self-organizing unit, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou In 2006, dyeing: contemporary art exhibition, the Esplanade Awards: 2013: the “CCAA Chinese Contemporary Art Critic Award” 2015: the Chinese Contemporary Art Critic Award of Yishu:Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 2017: the Robert H.N.Ho Family Foundation Greater China Research Grant.
Li Zhenhua Curator, Referrer of Summer School, Zentrum Paul Klee, Switzerland Referrer of Prix Pictet Photography Festival, Switzerland International advisor of the international exhibition “digital revolution” in Barbican Centre, Britain Qualifications: Curator, began art work from 1996, work area covers exhibition planning, artistic creation and project management, now serves as referrer of Summer School, Zentrum Paul Klee, Switzerland(from 2010 to now) ,referrer of Prix Pictet Photography Festival, Switzerland, international advisor of the international exhibition “digital revolution” in Barbican Centre, Britain. International advisor of Australian Symbiotica in 2015, international advisor of Hong Kong Videotage in 2015 Organized motion picture projection since 2000 and mainly focuses on the communication and projection between the sixth generation directors and documentary filmmakers. Involved in China Independent Film Festival since 2004 Served as producer in Shen Shaomin’s documentary “I’m Chinese” in 2007 Curator of “Hotspot: Zhang Yuan Solo Exhibition” in 2010, worked as a producer with director Ju Anqi since 2013. Once served as a judge in 2003 Spain Shorti Festival, 2006 Naples Movie Festival, 2009 Transmedia Art Festival, 2012 Chinese Contemporary Art Awards, 2012 Pupppet Animation Art Festival, 2012 China Independent Film Festival since 2003. Gerben Schermer (NL) Curator, Chairman of the international Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF) Famous animation art critic Qualifications: started the international Holland Animation Film Festival (HAFF) together with animation filmmaker Gerrit van Dijk in 1985. The festival takes place every spring, over a period of five days at several locations in the city of Utrecht, the Netherlands. HAFF is known for its choice for quality and innovation. Its programming is ambitious, yet intimate and accessible. HAFF organises international competitions for shorts, features, student films, web animations and shorts for children (8+) and a competition for Dutch animation. The festival highlights the latest developments and new talent, shows animation installations, theme programmes and retrospectives, and organizes activities like talk shows, master classes and lectures. Gerben Schermer composed guest programmes for numerous festivals around the world. Nowadays, under the heading Expanding Animation, animation installations are an important part of the programme of the Holland Animation Film Festival. These ingenious applications of animation involve new narrative practices and new ways of experiencing moving images. The festival closely follows developments in current Chinese animation, which is developing strongly and stands out for its unique imaginary power. In 2010 Gerben Schermer invited the active young Chinese visual artist Sun Xun who has worked for a few months in Utrecht as artist-in-residence of the HAFF. In 2012 HAFF has presented a major retrospective on contemporary Chinese animation. More recently Gerben Schermer presented animation installations by the Chinese artists Haiyang Wang (2012), Chao Wu (2014 and 2017), Lei Lei (2014,2016), Sun Xun (2015), Geng Xue (2016), Ding Shiwei (2016) and Shaoxiong Chen (2017). In 2017 he was co-curator of the exhibition China, Art in Motion in Musée-Château d’Annecy (France), a major exhibition with Chinese animation installations (from 1 June – 2 October 2017). Animation from China takes an important part in the programming of the Holland Animation Film Festival. For this reason Gerben Schermer likes to visit China on a more regular basis to be better informed about the latest developments in the art of animation and make an accurate selection of animation and animation installations to present at upcoming editions of the Holland Animation Film Festival. Zhang Chengzhi Painter, contemporary craft artist, Vice president of Nanjing Arts Institutes, Professor, doctoral supervisor, Member of the institute’s academic degrees committee Deputy Director of national digital media art experimental teaching demonstration center Major research direction: Animation art, teaching practice of contemporary craft arts. Major professional affiliations: Member of Animation, Digital Media Advisor Committee of the Ministry of Education,member of Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman of Jiangsu Animation Art Association, judge of “Television Animation” of the Center for Films and Television Programs in Jiangsu Broadcasting & TV Bureaus. Artistic Achievements: “Bird under Bamboo shade”, “Young Sparrow” were selected for the Sixth National Art Exhibition “Dove of Peace”, “Tug-of-War” were selected for the First National Gym Arts Exhibition “Mother and Son” was selected for the First National Lacquer Painting Exhibition “Flow Rhyme” was selected for the Seventh National Art Exhibition “Bird under Bamboo shade”, “wind” were collected by National Art Museum of China The Original Way—New Concept Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art Hubei National Lacquer Art Triennial The Silver Award for Lacquer Painting and Wall Painting in the Tenth National Art Exhibition The Bronze Award for Wall Painting in the Eleventh National Art Exhibition The Academy Award of Chinese Contemporary Craft Academy Exhibition Li Feng Art worker Previous curator of Shanghai Minsheng Modern Art Museum, Now the art director of Minsheng Art Institution Study experience: Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts, majored in art history Received bachelor’s degree and doctor degree Qualification: Once served as the curator of Shanghai Minsheng Modern Art Museum and one of the initiators of the first public art museum under the background of financial institutions. Li has long led the management of the art museum, and now works as the art director of Minsheng Art Institution. Artistic Achievements: The Journey of Contemporary Art from 1979-1999 Twenty years of Contemporary Images 1988-2011 No Law: Yangjiang Group Exhibition Planned and promoted many exhibitions include the Sixth Chengdu Biennial Exhibition, initiated Minsheng Art History Thesis Award, writes on contemporary art, Cao Kai Contemporary artist Independent curator, producer and writer Researcher and practitioner of media art and movie Lives and works in Nanjing, China Qualifications: Cao is a researcher and practitioner of media art and movie. The directions of work include experimental movie, video art, documentary and new media art, the working styles include creation, writing, curtain and research. The main founder and organizer of Chinese Independent Film Festival (2003-2016), served as curator, academic host and judge in many artistic projects,; planned overseas many exhibitions relating to Chinese independent film and experimental media. Since 2010, Cao worked as film producer, too. Cao also published many kinds of academic thesis in many academic journals and forums at home and abroad. Works and exhibitions: Works collected in Chinese Contemporary Art History in the 1990s (Lv Peng) Article review on Jiangsu Pictorial’no.5 (1998)(Zhu Qi) Article review on Street no.1 (1998) (Chen Xiaoxin) Jiangsu Pictorial no.3 (1995), “Art Gallery”nO.1,(1998) Art Circles no.2 (1998), “Avantgarde Today’no.6, No.7 The Artist no.1, “The Art Newspaper”no.9(2000) 2010 EX!T 2010 Taiwan National Experimental Media Art Exhibition(Taipei Contemporary Art Center) In 2010 Remaking History·Chinese New Art in 2000-2009 (China National Convention Center) In 2010, See from Movie: trace of movies and self-construction of contemporary art (OCT Contemporary Art Center, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenshen) In 2009 Nanjing Contemporary Art Annual Exhibition(Nanjing Shangdong Contemporary Art Center) In 2009, Peace Project (Bupyeong History Museum, Inchon, South Korea) In 2008 ,Case 2—Artists in Art Criticism(Beijing Shengzhi Art Center) In 2008, Asia·The Third Nanjing Triennial (Nanjing Museum) In 2007, Sustainable Fantasy” new media art exhibition 1999-2007 (Arario Art Space, Beijing) In 2007, Chinese Whisper Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition (Aosha·Guantang Contemporary Art Space) In 2016, Microscopic View, Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition (Macau art museum) In 2005, Allegory Contemporary Art Exhibition (Chinese art museum in Hangzhou city) In 2005,OK. Video SUB/VERSION, the second Jakarta video festival (National gallery of Indonesia) In 2005, future Archaeology, the second China art exhibition for three years (Nanjing art museum) In 2005, D FOTO Photography and Video Art Exhibition (Sankt Sebastian in Spain) In 2004, Asian Video Decoration Art Exhibition Series (Hong Kong art hall) In 2004, Beyond the Window and Vacant Space, Chinese, Japanese and Korean Contemporary Art Exhibition (International Fund Asian System in Tokyo Japan) In 2003, Chinese Maximalism (Chinese Character Art Exhibition, the art gallery State of buffalo branch of University of New York) In 2000, Changing Centuries -Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition (Chengdu Shanghe art gallery) Yang cheng Producer and supervisor Special correspondent and copywriter Worked as art director in China Independent image exhibition Worked as general manager in Heaven Pictures (Beijing) Culture &Media Co. Ltd Worked as vice-general manager in Laurel Films Qualification: In 2010, graduated in Beijing Film Academy with a degree in literature and acknowledged master's degree Worked as general manager in Heaven Pictures (Beijing) Culture &Media Co. Ltd and the vice-general manager in Laurel Films In 2013, he collaborated with Wei Xidi, Nessie and Gao da to establish extension agency of art and film, Rear Window Screening In 2016, he made collaboration with companies in mainland to be involved in marketing art films, Magnify Films In 2016, he founded the Na Zha Bothers Flms Exception for film producer, he insisted in writing some reports about film culture and film review. He acted as the special correspondent and copywriter in professional film magazine, like Berlin Film Festival and Vince Film Festival. He still acted as art director in China Independent image exhibition (from 11th to 13th) and judge of many film festivals and enterprises’ innovation and investment meeting. Participated movies : Tell Them, I Fly with Siberian Crane opened firstly in Vince film festival “the Horizon” In 2014, Where Is My Home achieved the opening in main competition section of Tokyo international film festival In 2015, My Puberty achieved the opening in main competition section of Tokyo international film festival In 2017, Big World achieved the opening in main competition section of Berlin international film festival In 2017, Ghost in the Mountains achieved the opening in the panorama section of Berlin international film festival LO Cheying Senior animation director Animation education, critics and historical researcher Animation professor in Hong kong Polytechnic University Animation professor in Hong kong Art center education Animation professor in general education of Hong kong University General Secretary in Hong kong animation industries and culture association now Qualification: Since 1977, he began to create animation and his works reached the champion in Hong Kong Independent short video animation group for four years in a row. And in next year, he acted as animator in radio television Hong Kong until in 1933, with flushing of works. From 1980s to now, he acts as various positions, including animation critics and historical researcher who published numerous animation-oriented works, the animation professor in Hong Kong Polytechnic University, general education of Hong Kong University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University who mainly drove the development of Hong Kong animation culture creation industry and animation exhibition. Now, he acted as general Secretary in Hong Kong animation industries and culture association. Besides, he acted as animation director in radio television Hong Kong from 1970s to 1990s; meanwhile, he produced numerous independent animations with different skills and topics. He still obtained many award in Hong Kong and even in the world. In 1985s, he representing as Hong Kong provided opening animation in the first in the Hiroshima international animation exhibition. Since 1995, he continuously acted as judge of animation group in the competition of Hong Kong independent short video and video and the art advisor of local long-video I-CITY (2005). In 2006, he edited sailor book there is a story in Hong Kong animation industry for Hong Kong Film Archive. Works and exhibitions: Acted as animation designer in radio television Hong Kong and was responsible for producing animation trick for many films in Hong Kong. In 1977, started to create independent animation, and became the winner in Hong Kong independent short video exhibition for four years in a row on the basis of Pale Blue Moon, Lethargy writer, A Turtle and Qianping’s summer vocation. And other works, including Jeux Interdix, Suicide City and I-CITY, were displayed in oversea. Planner in the exhibition of there is a story in Hong Kong animation industry Planner in the exhibition of Hong Kong animation and advertisement In 2012, Planner in the exhibition of 60 years in Hong Kong animation industry In 2014, Planner in the exhibition of 50 years in Hong Kong and Taiwan animation industry Main members’ introduction (No particular order) Liu Jian (Art director) Qualification: In 1993, graduated in Chinese Painting major in Nanjing Art College In 1999, participated in the exhibition of “Cross- century Rainbow-Gaudy Art” in Tianjing In 2001, participated in the animation production of Big Shot’s Funeral directed by Feng Xiaogang In 2002, participated in the animation production of Meng Jinghui’s film Chicken Poets In 2002, published the books March Forward Courageously, Jiangsu People Press In 2006, edited the ChongChong animation for 365 episodes, obtaining first series of excellent animation awards from General Administration of Radio and television In 2007, made a speech about Chinese New times in animation—China Contemporary society described by director Liu Jian In 2008, acted as the judge of Netherlands international animation and film festival In 2009, finished the first animation film Piercing I In 2012, acted as the judge of China International New media KingBonn Award Short Film festival In 2012, acted as the judge of 2012 Tudou Image Festival In 2012, acted as the judge of Hongkong Culture Map 2012 Independent animation tour in Pearl River Delta Works and exhibitions: In 2010 animation Piercing I In 2011 animation Order & Chaos In 2012 animation Luxun Luxun In 2013 animation University City In 2017 animation Big World In 2000 China Idea Photography Art Exhibition Italy Awards: Piercing I Fabrizio Bellocchio social award in Italian Castle Animation Film Festival Green chameleon award in South Korea's Seoul Digital Film Festival Best Animated Feature from Armenian International Film Festival Nominated as best animation in Asia Pacific Screen Awards Listed in full-length feature in competition unit in International du Film d'Animation d'Annecy (nomination) Big world Golden Bear and best film in the 67th of Berlin International Film Festival The Golden Horse Award the best original play in Taipei in 54th of Golden Horse Film Festival (nomination) The Golden Horse Award the best original music in Taipei in 54th of Golden Horse Film Festival (nomination) The Golden Horse Award the Best Animated Feature in Taipei in 54th of Golden Horse Film Festival (nomination) Fei mu Honored and best director in the first Pingyao International Film Festival Wang Fang (curator) Now work as the dean and vice-professor of the school of journalism and communication of Nanjing Art University, art and communication doctor of the school of journalism and communication of Nanjing Art University, executive director of higher education film association in China, member of Chinese TV & Broadcasting Academy Image Technology committee, and vice-director of Chinese TV & Broadcasting Academy Stream Video Online Professional Committee, director of Science Film and TV Program Association in Jiangsu province, vice-chairman of film association and microfilm art profession committee, film editor , director and producer. He acted as the program planner and executive oversight in some academic exhibitions; including 2001 China First Independent Image exhibitions—tour in Nanjing, 2003Joint Image Exhibition of Chinese Cao Kai and Korean Jinbing and non-record ---Experiment Image Exhibition, 2004 First Annual Exhibition of China Independent Image exhibition. From 2005 to 2007, he still acted as the planner of Annual Exhibition of China Independent Image exhibition. In 2006, he acted as the planner of China Independent Image Festival in Salzburg, Austria and took a visit. Act as vice-editor of Media Art Practice, the one of a series of excellent teaching materials in Jiangsu province Publish teaching materials and books, including MV Creation and Practice, film and animation (key teaching material of 12th five year), HUMAN: Documentary Film Creation. And release over ten essays in various academic journals. Xue Feng (executive director) Director, Curator,Professor, Master Tutor Current vice president of Nanjing Institute of the Arts media as well as the Director of Departement of Animation Currently enrolled for Ph. D Member of Chinese Artists Association Jiangsu Branch Member of China Television Artists Association Permenant member of Jiangsu Province Animation Artists Jiangsu Province "Blue Project" Outstanding young teacher Nanjing Art Institute "321" professional teacher Beijing Film Academy experimental animation research center, researcher Visiting Scholar, French National Art City He has extensive experience in the fields of media, design, animation and related cultural and creative industries. His works have been selected and awarded many times in national and international events.Engaged in film and new media animation、cartoon related work more than 10 years. compilation A variety of textbooks and treatises. Published more than 10 academic papers in various important academic journal. Devoted to a study on the integration mode of animation art theory and practice which adapting to the law of modern communication for a long time .2013 with a view to contemporary arts field which research on a series of animation art. Carry out the practice of cross boundary art creation and theoretical research.Participated in and planned the academic and exhibition activities in related fields over the years Yu Qin (director in development apartment) Notable photographer, member of photographer association in Jiangsu province, member of advertisement profession and photographer association in Jiangsu province, member of national higher education photographer association, now work in Art School of Nanjing Normal University, program founder and executive of protecting frescoes in Tibet Jokhang Temple 2012 (sponsor by Patagonia & Gregory) and achievement of comprehensive digital copy protection, the head of Nanjing Miaoge Art Center. Wen Xia (brand advisor) Curator, Art critics, columnist, original development director of Nanjing Art College Gallery, original reporter of Beijing Jinghua Times Art Investment weekly, exhibitor critics, the founder of knowledge about art history through media Weichat, researcher of art and calligraphy and program founder of AMNUA art city. |